Richard’s story

Parent Richard Mullen is raising funds to thank the TMBU for caring for his baby boy Leo. Here is his story...

Parent Richard Mullen has a very special reason for supporting Rockinghorse. He has challenged himself to raise an incredible £20,000 throughout 2018 for the wonderful Trevor Mann Baby Unit (TMBU) in Brighton.

After his son Leo’s very difficult entrance in to the world and the amazing care he received on the TMBU, he is fundraising for equipment to help other babies born needing life-saving treatment to say thank you. Here is his story…

“Leo was born on 6 October 2017 at Hastings Conquest Hospital in a very traumatic state. Unfortunately, during labour, his shoulder became stuck (shoulder dystocia) and he was born not breathing and without a heartbeat. Thankfully Leo was resuscitated and took his first breath at almost six minutes old. The long time spent without oxygen led to Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopath, which put Leo at high risk of brain damage, and he had a number of seizures. 

The team at Conquest Hospital immediately lowered his body temperature and transferred him to the Trevor Mann Baby Unit in Brighton. He was put in a specialist incubator to chill his body for a further 72 hours and stop any further brain trauma. Leo was on a morphine drip with a blood line from his heel, six monitors measuring brain activity and a feeding tube through his nose. During this time, his brain functions were very low, and it was impossible to know of the long-term effects. He had also lost use of his left arm due to his shoulder being stuck.

The following days were an anxious blur as staff brought his temperature up to normal. Slowly he became more active and by day five we had our first cuddle, and Leo had his first feed. On day eight, he finally came home. An MRI scan has since shown no lasting brain damage. The physio work on his arm is also working – it is back with a strong left hook, much like his mother’s!

These were the most awful weeks of our lives. Without the dedicated care Leo received on TMBU, and the pioneering cooling technology, I am sure he would not have fought the way he did. For that we are eternally grateful.”

Richard, supported by friends and family, took part in the Brighton Half Marathon in February, and from funds raised through events since then, has already reached over £11,000.

To support Richard’s fundraising campaign and help babies like Leo, please click here: