Teenage room refurbishment

Teenage room refurbishment

Being in hospital as a young child is always difficult but for teenagers it can often be even worse. Missing school, friends and the social life that is so important to young adults can make a stay in hospital even tougher.

Teenage patients come into hospital for a range of reasons, whether it’s related to their physical or mental health. But whatever the reason, being stuck in hospital can be boring, leaving them to their own thoughts without anything to distract them. It can also be a scary place and make young people feel less inclined to talk about their feelings, especially important if there are being treated for their mental health.

Which is why making an environment that is comfortable, distracting and fun is so important and why we are funding two teenage room refurbishments, in Worthing and Chichester hospitals.

These spaces will give patients time away from their bed with a range of different activities, which will hopefully make their time in hospital go quicker and lead to them feeling more comfortable and able to open up about what’s going on for them.

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