Haillie asthma technology

Haillie asthma technology
In 2021 we funded 18 asthma inhaler monitoring devices which are attached to inhalers to help monitor how children use their medication. And we are happy to report that we are continuing to fund this important research.
Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition affecting children in the UK. The best way to manage this condition is to make sure patients regularly take their preventative inhaler. However, a common, and preventable problem, is children forgetting to regularly take this medication.
This equipment aims to help families and their medical teams have clear information on how their medication is being used. The Hailie sensor attaches to asthma inhalers, specifically the preventative version, via a Bluetooth link to a smartphone app and enables children and parents monitor their mediation.
It also provides reminders for patients to take their puffer at the correct times and links to a clinical portal for doctors to see how their patients are getting on.
The use of these devices has shown to increase the adherence to medication by 59%, reduce hospital admissions for asthmatic children by 80% and reduce the use of their reliever medication by 45%.
This all works towards children’s general quality of life as well as reducing health care intervention and hospital admissions.
Thanks to the Camelia Botnar Foundation for funding the first year of this projects and to the
Cullum Family Trust via Sussex Community Foundation for funding the second year.
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