Rocking Horse Pictures, an award-winning animation and video production company based in London, has created a festive film featuring Rocky the Rockinghorse.
The film follows the adventures of Rocky after his new owner accidentally loses him on Christmas Day. Despite not knowing if he would return, he is soon found safe and well underneath the Christmas Tree.
The film was originally created by Rocking Horse Pictures without them realising that the main character has the same name as our charity mascot.
Company Director Nick Loe contacted Rockinghorse in March to donate some small wooden rockinghorses that he had made as promotional items for his company. These were used during the lock-down to send to children to decorate themselves.
Nick then very kindly offered to edit the film so that we could use it as our very own Christmas features to raise awareness during the festive season.
We are incredibly proud to present the magical adventures of Rocky the Rockinghorse – so sit back and enjoy and don’t forget to Remember Rockinghorse!